How To Share Your Music In One Place

Housing all of your creative music projects in one place allows you to consolidate your talents together and build a stronger community.

As a DJ, producer or musician, we know how frustrating it can be having all of your music spread out on different platforms. It makes the upkeep of your content difficult as you have to maintain several profiles at the same time. The admin of managing your channels for your music and mixes may detract from the valuable time you want to spend being creative. Putting all of your music in one place allows you to consolidate all of your talents together. As well as benefit from having your audience in the same place. 

There are several benefits, namely the ease of access not only for you but for your fans. The space to consolidate all of your content and reap the creative and financial benefits of having a single library/collection. You can build your archive as a DJ portfolio that you can share with booking agents, promoters or others who you want to collaborate with. That way, they can get an instant impression of your creativity and style. As a DJ, producer or musician, your talents deserve the love and care you give them at every stage. From creation to archiving. That involves finding the right platform to house everything you do.

In this article, we’ll break down just how you can get all of your music together into an optimal place.

Find the right music platform

From music streaming services to specialist DJ platforms, there are plenty of avenues at your disposal to share your content. But very few give you the opportunity to store both long-form and short-form audio content. Mixcloud is a music streaming service that enables you to legally live stream and upload DJ mixes, radio shows and original tracks. Through us, you can seamlessly organize your music in one place, without needing to spread your work out. Mixcloud doesn’t archive live stream video content because there is no legal way to do so. But we offer a home for all of your audio content, as well as your live streams should you choose to.

Upload your content

Once you’ve found your platform or choice, curating it with your content will provide a base for all of your content that you will grow as you upload more mixes/shows. If you subscribe to Mixcloud Pro, you have complete freedom to upload as much as you want. You can also upload your own original Tracks and live-stream to your fans via Mixcloud Live, our live streaming service. As we are a legal and licensed platform, you also don’t have to worry about copyright takedowns. The result? All of your content, new and old, sitting pretty on your profile as you see fit.

Organize the content into clear categories

If you make music, create DJ mixes or live stream your sets, you may want to showcase your content clearly. So as to make it easy for your fans and listeners to find what they’re looking for. This will also demonstrate the range of your content and what you make. On your Mixcloud profile, you’re able to create various playlists where your content can live and be easily accessed. Update your profile with new categories as and when you need to.

If you’re a radio station or host, you can use our new Pro feature Host Tagging to further arrange your content. Tagging hosts not only enables you to share your network with them, but it also saves time organizing your profile as the shows tagged will automatically be grouped together on your profile. With Host Tagging, everything you create can be correctly attributed to you, meaning your fans never miss out on your shows.

Having your music in one place allows you to build a comprehensive DJ portfolio
Having your music in one place allows you to build a comprehensive DJ portfolio

Promote your content on your chosen platform

If possible, you’ll want to shout about your content within the platform you use to host it. This will keep your fanbase on that platform informed about your activity. It will also enable you to keep contact with them in one place. We built Mixcloud Posts to this end. This Pro feature enables you to connect with your followers and send them notifications and emails for whenever you have a mix or track to share. Or if you want to talk to them to share news, announce your next mix or ask for feedback. You can make your fans as part of your creative process as you want. While also keeping all of their plays of your content in the same place.

Use other avenues to drive people to your profile

Now that you’re set up on your platform of choice, it’s time to shout about it as much as you can. Use your social media channels to let your followers know what platform you’re on. This can work to increase your following on the platform and eyes around your content. If social media isn’t your thing, look into other direct marketing methods. You can start a newsletter that you can send to your fans, build a mailing list and send direct emails or embed your show on your personal website to make it easier for your fans to find your profile.

Keep creating!

With all of your content consolidated, the sky’s the limit for your creativity and how far it can go. Mixcloud remains committed to creating a world where creators can be as expressive as possible and host all aspects of their developing creativity on the platform. The only thing left for you to do is doing what you love.

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