5 Rituals Before Going Live With Angel Lee 

In this article, Angel Lee lets us in on some of the pre-stream rituals that have helped her prepare for any event.

Going from DJing six nights a week to zero shook Angel Lee. In 2020, like many artists, the Leeds-based DJ had to quickly adapt her creative process to this increasingly virtual world. With this newfound motivation, she created her brand Angie’s Disco and founded a successful live stream series in lockdown. Since then, she’s continued to push the brand with sell-out in-person events in Leeds and runs a weekly show on Select Radio.  She’s also branched out with her own productions, some of which have been featured on BBC Radio 1’s ‘Introducing Dance.’ With hours of live streaming experience under her belt, Angel Lee lets us in on some of her rituals and pre-stream tips and tricks that have helped her prepare for any event.

Get your tech in order

Angel Lee: “Make sure you have the right equipment.  And depending on your level of experience and what sort of set-up you’re after, this may be a five or thirty-minute process, but check out this article to find out what layout works for you. Set aside an hour before every stream to do this, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reaching out to your peers for advice or watching lots of YouTube videos can help you get up to speed.”

Do a practice run

“Always sound check, check your levels and make sure everything is working smoothly.  I do this 20 minutes before every stream. It can help avoid any unexpected technical mishaps when you’re live on camera. A really handy tip to double-check your equipment is good to go is to use the Unlisted Streaming feature. Selecting the ‘unlisted’ toggle when you’re on the stream set-up page means you can do a run-through in private, and this is especially useful if you’re feeling nervous before your first stream!”

Double-check your visuals

“If you’re using OBS, set aside some time to plan how you want your live stream to look. This includes everything from your logos and overlays or background imagery to a holding page that you run 30 minutes before going live. Or any colorful animations to make your stream pop. It’s a great way to let new viewers know who you are and how they can follow you.  Remember, you can save your designs for future use.” ‍


“This may sound a little unusual, but stretching out can really help you relax before going live. So remember to touch base with your body beforehand.  This is also great for working through some of the nerves of being on screen with all the eyes on you or getting you moving if you’re the dancing type.”

Remind yourself to have fun!

“Live streaming is really something unique. It can be hard to remember that when you’ve done so many streams and it’s become second nature, but you’re creating something special – your own little nightclub with your friends (who are also just here to have fun!) So relax, trust yourself, and enjoy it!”

To watch Angel Lee go live or listen to any of her shows, check out her profile on Mixcloud

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